Westminster Police Department
The Westminster Police Department is located at 8200 Westminster Blvd., Bldg. 5 Westminster, California 92683. This police department is located in the Westminster Civic Center, which is where you could find city hall as well as the West Justice Center. The Police Department in Westminster contains multiple divisions that all must work together in order for them to successfully keep the citizens of the city safe at all times. If any division fails to work with another part of the department, then confusion may ensue and it would in turn put the people at risk.
All of the men and women of the police department are highly trained and are able to handle any situation that may occur out in the field. Some of the divisions that are involved in this department include: Animal Control, Administration, Traffic Unit, Emergency Operations, Crime Analysis, Detective Bureau, and the Forensic Unit. Each one of these divisions have a specific job that contributes to the safety of the entire city.
The chief of police in the city of Westminster is Kevin Baker and he has been the chief for a number of years and has done an excellent job of keeping the department organized and focused on the safety of the public. Lately, the media has been attacking the police in every city, but Chief Baker has been able to keep a positive attitude and constantly tell his officers to steer their focus away from the media and to focus on keeping the public safety whether they want the help or not. In order to become an officer at the Westminster Police Department you will first have to attend a police academy. At the police academy you will learn essential skills to help when roaming the city confronting criminals.
Every officer also learns the law that concerns their everyday work. They leave the academy knowing what crimes are felonies or misdemeanors. The police department also serves as a place where any citizen can go to in order to pay a ticket or to file a complaint about a person or an officer. The police welcome anybody to visit the police department to inquire about any sort of situation or to learn more about what the police are doing in the community as far as community service or programs that may be helpful to you and your family.
The police in this city are not just here to hand out tickets and arrest people, they are here to work with the community in order to keep everybody safe. They don’t want anyone to shy away from visiting the police department to talk to a police officer about the welfare of the city and to even suggest something that the police could be doing better. However, if you do get arrested in the city of Westminster, then you will be taken to this police department for holding until you are either transferred or bailed out. When anyone is arrested by the Westminster Police Department, their case will most like be sent to the West Justice Center.